Who Should Attend

Camp Attach is for any family who has children who have experienced early life difficulties and trauma and who have difficulties bonding with parents.

Our program helps parents with children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD, attachments disorders and issues, and difficulties with attachment and bonding.

It is recommended that the entire family attend Camp Attach together, to give all members opportunities to learn, grow, find support, and heal.

Parents: Any parent parenting the child, including primary caregivers, secondary caregivers, co-parents, and step-parents.

Children with attachment issues: We have resources and interventions available to help all children, ages 2 – 16.

Healthy siblings: All children affected by the chaos and turmoil in their homes from a sibling with attachment issues. Our “Blue Crew” program is designed to give these siblings support and new strategies to thrive at home.

Other family members/support people: Some families may wish to bring someone with them for support, such as a sibling, family member, nanny, friends, etc. They are welcome to attend as a part of the family.